根據Sony Ericsson官方部落格的最新消息指出, 2011年推出的Xperia全系列手機都可升級為Android 4.0, 也就是所謂的冰淇淋三明治(ICE CREAM SANDWICH)
底下這邊整理一下公告可升級的手機資訊給各位參考, 只能說SE真的是佛心來的, 小弟只能用大推來表達敬意, 畢竟能有如此完整服務的品牌真的不多, 也期望國內大廠可以效法, 不要只顧著賺錢, 而賠掉最珍貴的服務這一個重要項目!!
Sony Ericsson新機首部曲-Xperia Pro MK16i 介紹
Sony Ericsson新機二部曲- Live with Walkman WT19i 介紹!
Sony Ericsson新機最終曲三連發-Active, Arc S,Neo V介紹!
Ice Cream Sandwich for Sony Ericsson 2011 Xperia™ portfolio
There have been a few questions here on the blog and in our support forums regarding our upgrade plans beyond Gingerbread. We can today confirm that we plan to upgrade the entire 2011 Xperia™ portfolio* to the next version of Android known as Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich. We are working on merging our current Xperia™ experience with the new features in Android 4.0. More detailed information regarding this upgrade, timing and global availability will be communicated in due course here on the blog.
最後還請大家多幫忙按個分享或是讚, 您的一點鼓勵, 都是小弟繼續寫作的原動力, 感恩! 另外, 小弟在Facebook上也成立粉絲團(http://www.facebook.com/LoveKisPlay), 歡迎大家加入聊天討論囉!