針對iCloud 裸照風波 Apple發出新聞稿宣布內部調查結果


最近鬧得沸沸湯湯滿城風雨的 iCloud 女星裸照風波,就在大家不斷猜測是哪一層防護出了漏洞的時候, Apple 官方終於發表正式聲明稿。

根據聲明稿中指出,Apple 內部歷經 40 小時的調查後,發現駭客是透過特定使用者帳號、密碼與安全性提問方式來進行破解。並且表示與 Apple 系統中的 iCloud 以及 Find my iPhone 無關,然而 Apple 將持續與執法單位合作,儘速抓出這些不法之徒。

除此之外, Apple 還提供兩階段的安全認證方式( http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4232 ),鼓勵使用者儘速的前往啓動並且更新帳號密碼,來為自己的隱私再加上一層保護!

以下為 Apple 官方聲明稿全文:

Apple Media Advisory
Update to Celebrity Photo Investigation

We wanted to provide an update to our investigation into the theft of photos of certain celebrities. When we learned of the theft, we were outraged and immediately mobilized Apple’s engineers to discover the source. Our customers’ privacy and security are of utmost importance to us. After more than 40 hours of investigation, we have discovered that certain celebrity accounts were compromised by a very targeted attack on user names, passwords and security questions, a practice that has become all too common on the Internet. None of the cases we have investigated has resulted from any breach in any of Apple’s systems including iCloud® or Find my iPhone. We are continuing to work with law enforcement to help identify the criminals involved.

To protect against this type of attack, we advise all users to always use a strong password and enable two-step verification. Both of these are addressed on our website at http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4232.

其實這幾天 iCloud 駭客風波蔓延,不僅只有好萊塢女星飽受威脅,就連身邊所有人也都人人自危了起來,事實上雲端的存在就是擁有著便利性與不安全感這一體兩面的利弊,更因此資訊安全的重要才會是這些年不斷被重視的議題。要如何保護自己雲端或是裝置中的資料?最基本的就是請不要隨意點選來路不明的連結、不要在裝置開始設定時隨隨便便的按下”下一步”,更不要輕易的在不清楚的地方輸入自己的帳號以及密碼。養成自己對資訊安全的保護與警覺習慣,會是保護自己裝置中資料的第一步與第一層防護!





SayDigi.com iPhone 教學專欄作家; 3C生活,周邊小物編輯; 活動採訪編輯;


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