擁有10億用戶 Instagram 兩位創辦人傳已離職

Facebook 旗下收購的 Instagram 目前已逾10億用戶,創辦人 Kevin Systrom 與 Mike Krieger 在個人 IG 上發布了離職聲明,聲明中並沒有說明離職原因,僅透露兩人將休息一陣子,未來創造更棒的產品。根據 TechCrunch 透露,兩人離職的原因與馬克.札克伯克的理念相悖有關。


圖片來源:Mike Krieger IG


根據紐約時報報導,Instagram 兩位創辦人 Kevin Systrom 與 Mike Krieger  目前已離職,而 Krieger 的 IG 上隨即證實了這項消息,並表示他們將休息一段時間,但並沒有透露離職原因。

TechCrunch 的消息指出,很有可能與 Facebook 刻意模糊 Instagram 獨立性有關聯。這件事要回溯到 Facebook 當初收購 Instagram 時,雙方同意保留 Instagram 的獨立性,不會勉強與臉書做結合。

然而這項政策很明顯的受到臉書創辦人札克伯格的干擾。譬如 Instagram 的照片可以同時傳送到 臉書上,今年部分用戶甚至會在 Instagram 上收到臉書通知,這與當初的協議互相違背。

而臉書在近年來呈現高齡化趨勢,加上數據醜聞不斷傳出,札克伯格欲將擁有龐大年輕族群的 Instagram 扮演救命丹的角色。報導中也提到札克伯格為此做出人事異動,例如五月時,Instagram 產品副經理 Kevin Weli 調到了臉書的剛創立的區塊鏈團隊。

兩位創辦人在 IG 和聲明中寫道:「在過去六年裡,我學到了很多,而且熱愛這工作。祝福團隊一切順利,我期待看到他們的下一步。」

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@mikeyk and I are grateful for the last eight years at Instagram and six years with the Facebook team. We’ve grown from 13 people on the team to over a thousand with offices around the world, all while building products used and loved by a community of over one billion. We’ve loved learning to scale a company and nurture an enormous global community. And we couldn’t have done it without our amazing Instagram team, and the support of @zuck, @sherylsandberg, @schrep, and @chriscox at Facebook – we’ve learned so much from all of you. Now, we’re ready for our next chapter. We’re planning on taking some time off to explore our curiosity and creativity again. Building new things requires that we step back, understand what inspires us and match that with what the world needs; that’s what we plan to do. We remain excited for the future of Instagram and Facebook in the coming years as we transition from leaders to just two users in a billion. Thank you for being part of Instagram’s community. It’s been (and will continue to be) an honor ??

A post shared by Kevin Systrom (@kevin) on



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