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根據 Google Pixel Watch 官方規格表上,在電力方面提到了電池容量(294mAh)、電池續航力(24 小時)、充電速度等資訊,但卻沒有提到支援無線充電的消息。
不過即便在 Reddit 論壇上有網友分享了 Pixel Watch 能與部分手機透過電力分享來進行無線充電,但有位 “Pixel Watch 產品專家” -「dmziggy」表示 Pixel Watch 並不支援無線充電,即便有些裝置可以為其進行無線充電,但有些裝置下可能反而是放電的情況,因此建議消費者還是使用盒裝中的磁吸充電座來進行穩定的充電。
Hey folks, Pixel Watch product expert here!
Wireless charging is not supported on the Google Pixel Watch. There may be some charging configurations where reverse wireless or Qi charging appears to work. However, this will be very device and charger specific and is not guaranteed to provide a consistent, steady, or proper charge. Note that in some cases, this could cause the device to discharge while on charger. For the best experience, you should always use the charger that was provided with your watch.
雖然我們不明白為何 Pixel Watch 官方不願透露無線充電的相關資訊,以及筆者測試手上的 Pixel Watch 7 是屬於被放電的,但如果有 Pixel Watch 又擔心日後有可能會沒電的朋友,不妨先測測看自己手上的裝置能不能幫 Pixel Watch 充電還是反而會吃掉 Pixel Watch 的電,至少為將來的 “萬一” 來個以備不時之需!