

點子科技 是專業科技媒體,報導內容涵蓋 智慧型手機、生活家電、視聽娛樂、智慧駕駛、電信資費、通路快訊、親子與寵物科技、軟體快報與各項新奇產品。讓這些好用的資訊新知,藉由精彩文字與豐富圖片傳達給每位讀者。

SayDigi Tech is a mandarin Technology media in Taiwan. We share many kinds of news about how to make our life easier and more comfortable. We hope our audience can get useful information and catch the trend of technology.

We are a group of people who love to share the news of novel technology and creative design. And we also love to review all kinds of novelty products. For the smart future is coming up. We’re ready to welcome the coming smart world, and ready to share them for you.



點子生活 是結合新聞性與實用性的共筆網站,包含旅遊美食、親子生活、與職場甘苦。讓這些好用的資訊新知,藉由精彩文字與豐富圖片傳達給每位讀者。

SayDigi is a mandarin multimedia in Taiwan. We share many kinds of news about how to make our life easier and more comfortable. We hope our audience can get useful information and catch the trend of technology.

We are a group of people who love to share the news of novel technology and creative design. And we also love to review all kinds of novelty products. For the smart future is coming up. We’re ready to welcome the coming smart world, and ready to share them for you.



